Pluto square Moon

Moon square Pluto. Ouch, it’s a difficult one. 

Caveat:  Planets and aspects may be strong like big blows in the face, or soft like shoulders clad in velvet rubbing. Every planet comes with an invisible dimmer switch. So do aspects. How intense was the light at the moment you were born?

The Moon square Pluto that worries you may be a mere skeleton in a well forgotten closet, or a cohort of demons making your life hell day in and day out. 

In general, with this aspect, expect rubble. 

“Rubble” is an evocative way to say: “destruction followed by regeneration of something that means home to you”. 

Followed by regeneration, yes.  “This too will pass” is a valid mantra, it applies to rubbles. Keep calm and carry on is a relevant exhortation. (When you need to hear that, you’re in trouble)

The optimistic word in “destruction followed by regeneration of something that means home to you” is “something”. It may not be the end of your entire world. Only something. 

“What means home” is more subtle than just home. Our interpretations can be literal only once in a while. An earthquake, a landslide, bombs falling or damages caused by time and neglect can cause roofs and walls to collapse, literally. Then you’re dead, or homeless. 

However, we are symbolic beings. The Moon means home, home means environment, environment is family, tribe, village, city, nation, environment is nature, it’s the little piece of land we belong to (rather than the opposite) and it’s the blue planet that owes us… 

When transiting Pluto squared my natal Moon, I left France and came to England. It was my decision, it was a good one, it was time to close a chapter and get a fresh start. I needed to shed my old skin and leave it behind. I had spent eighteen years of my life in Drôme Provençale, in the South-East of France. I loved it so much there. My heart had made roots. When Pluto squared, I left. I hope I’ll get another life and live there again. I want another youth. I loved it so much but it’s all over even though still living in spirit. 

Rubble can be metaphorical; other related pictures can be relevant, the snake tearing its own skin apart, the uprooted tree… 

As a Scorpio Sun with Cancer Rising, I could only be especially sensitive to a Pluto square Moon transit.

The Moon rules over the inside world, which contains our most vulnerable side. There is a need for wrapping and warmth. Nurturing, nourishment, safety… 

We are spirits in the material world. We inhabit bodies, courtesy of the Moon-Mother. Our body is our home. It is a home that needs a home. For some, this home feels like a prison. A future butterfly must feel trapped in the cocoon. One day, it will break open. Transformation is permanent. 

Our spirit is wrapped up in layers of soul, like an onion. There is an etheric body, an astral body and many other bodies. We are made of inner layers and we belong to outdoor layers, family, natural habitat, village or city etc.  

When Pluto squares the Moon, the question is: what layer, or what layers are being torn? Is it physical, emotional, social, mental…? 

We may dream that our house is falling apart, the earth shaking and trees being uprooted.  Then wake up, sweating and feel so relieved that it was “just a dream”.


But what is happening in our dreams, isn’t it a real psychic event?

The world of dreams could erupt and overwhelm our consciousness, people with white blouses would call our case a “psychosis”. Our mental world is also a home. (Who lives in it?) 

Pluto squaring the Moon may simply find us struggling with insecurities. We may feel tormented by inner demons. In the outer world, our house could stand still, as if nothing was going on. Neighbours won’t know anything about our underground fight for mental survival. 

In my understanding, when we go through hell consciously, in the world of our own feelings, we are diffusing the destructive energies. We are sparing ourselves painful manifestations in the physical dimension. Paying attention to our inner life is worth a thousand talismans. 

I with you fertile daydreaming and cogitations!


PS Check this: Astrology Retreat in Turkey 2004

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