Jupiter square Pluto

Jupiter wants to know. Pluto’s abode is the dark underground.

Jupiter speaks of growth, luck, enthusiasm, faith and expansion.

Pluto has an instinctive sixth sense that has always been very useful for survival in extreme settings.

Jupiter rules over laws.  Pluto knows the law of the jungle . Jupiter wants civilisation.  

What are laws exactly?

In Jupiterian fashion, let me embark with you on a journey.  

What are laws? 

Let’s take an example: E = mc2

You know this equation, it’s one of the most famous laws of physics. But how do you know it? I am not asking if you learned about it reading a book or if it’s your cat who told you. I’m asking: “What is your mind doing when you know?”  

For instance, right now, you may not be really interested in thinking about the theory of relativity. Just knowing that you know is enough for now. You vaguely remember: Einstein, energy and matter, ok, what’s next?

We are very often juggling with words with very little of what they mean present to mind. I could tell you a story about a cat, which may or may not belong to Schrödinger, and then ask you: what colour did you picture this cat in your mind? And if you’re like me, you notice that you can listen to a cat story without visualising a cat in your mind at all! Strange, no? 

Or maybe you did visualise a cat, but it’s was just a vague cat,  nothing but a botched mental representation with very little in common with a real meow that moves, climbs on the fence, walks on top of it, jumps onto the roof of the garden shed, and surprises a squirrel!…

If you don’t take the trouble of holding a substantial cat in your mind when I’m talking about one, I’m sure that when it comes to E = mc2 not much is happening either. 

Mercury is a trickster. It gives us words to talk about things, language is a fantastic tool, but we become, as the philosopher Wittgenstein saw it, “bewitched by language”. Language is like a game we’re playing, we follow its rules and we don’t need to know what we are talking about to make it work. We may not even notice how disconnected from reality we are.

Jupiter, the truth seeker, is looking for the real thing. Are laws real things? Take E = mc2   Mercury knows the formula. How does Jupiter know such a thing? Like this:

Imagine a light bulb, with a filament in it. Try to be empathetic. Be the filament. Feel how it feels to resist an electric current so hard. Feel it in your body. You’re so strong! You become incandescent. Your body radiates light. It’s your very body which is turning into light, you’re losing weight in the process - even though you’re not losing much, you’re nowhere near vanishing, the proportion of your physical body that turns into light is soooo tiny actually. To get an idea of how tiny it is, imagine that you have to multiply it by a huge number, the speed of light squared, and the speed of light, it’s huge, look at the stars… 

So yes, the proportion is tiny, but still, you are turning into light. You are it.  

Geniuses like Einstein can hold mental pictures so vividly that they can even feel the maths! Or should I say “intuit”?  

A number of geniuses have said that they saw the results before doing all the calculations needed to prove they were right. 

Einstein was a Pisces and Cancer Rising, with Moon in Sagittarius. With such placements, you don’t forget Jupiter in the closet. His Jupiter in the ninth house was squared by Pluto and opposed by Uranus… 

Pluto destroyed the old worldview. To be able to conceive energy and matter as only one thing, there was a need to drill  holes in the old habits of thinking. Newtonian physics had to fall apart in Einstein’s mind. Pluto touching Jupiter gave Albert a mental power as strong as a rhinoceros charging an elephant. Einstein was posthumously diagnosed with autism. We know how intensely autistic people can obsess over what interests them. 

Mercury uses reason and logic to check whether Jupiter saw right or if it was just a bit drunk. It’s important to check. Not any vision is true.

Mercury focuses on the signs and the relationships between signs, but the law is what is actually happening. Laws are the cosmos’ organisation. The most fundamental laws are gravity, electromagnetism and two others that are active at atomic level. Jupiter makes the world hold together. A key word is “integration”. No wonder it was called the Great Benefic! 

Pluto is a disintegrating force. How can so much energy be released from such a small bomb? (It’s not Einstein who made it by the way). 

In Hiroshima’s event chart, Uranus is bang on the MC. Pluto is conjunct the Sun and connected with Jupiter by a semi-square. 

To sum it up, with Jupiter square Pluto, expect a radical tension between forces of integration and disintegration. 

There are other laws that are not natural but debated and voted in parliaments. here is a similar problem: connecting formulation and reality. Reality is: People are such as they are, there is room for trouble. They have useful instincts and intense emotions, but with only instincts, life is hell. Pluto’s world is not a happy one. Philosophers called it the state of nature. 

Therefore we make laws, by Jupiter. Do you know that the first cause of death among lions is other lions? It would be the same with us, but we declared that killing other people is a crime. Society  punishes criminals. As a result, we keep the peace, not always, but often enough to make a difference. Thanks Jupiter, good job, oh Great Benefic!

However, writing laws is complicated. We should not kill other people, but  what if we were defending ourselves? If we were defending ourselves, but our life wasn’t threatened, was our response proportionate to the aggression? If our response was not proportionate, could the judge and the jury believe that we genuinely believed it was? ….

The spirit of the laws is that we should do our best to live in peace, respect others, be fair etc. In practice, we need to write down, formulate, precise particular cases… Formulation is Mercury’s job, however Mercury’s job is also to find loopholes in the service of those who are willing to take advantage of the imperfections . Pluto keeps oozing through the cracks. 

When Pluto squares Jupiter, it’s not easy to uphold the rule of law, both within societies or within ourselves. We have sneaky shadows. They find their ways through our ethics. 

Thanks to Jupiter and Pluto’s conflict, we can enjoy Western movies. Pluto loves that game: get them to draw their gun first, make sure there are witnesses, and kill them legally, you, the fastest shooter in the history of the West. 

Do you prefer thrillers, detective stories? Pluto loves them as well. For those who respect the laws in real life, but fantasise anyway, going to the movies is a compromise.

And sometimes, it’s not a movie, all hell breaks loose. Corruption is a permanent threat, and the climate is changing. 

There are also moral, or spiritual laws. For instance, the Golden Rule: 

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" has a flavour of the laws we make: it tells you how to behave. But this is also a law that we should understand rather than just do as we are told: karma says that what comes around goes around . It makes sense to sow what we want to reap. 

Jupiter the Truth Seeker takes us to seek God, or Moshka, Nirvana, Enlightenment, Ultimate Reality. From the spiritual dimensions, or from the collective psyche, it gets experiences that are quasi impossible to translate into plain language. We get symbols instead, like our zodiac. However, with Pluto, nothing is safe from corruption. Sometimes we kill in the name of God, and the Devil laughs. 

May all the beings be happy!  

Jean-Marc Pierson

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